Playing Wii Fit Plus can “help control diabetes”


Research has once again pointed toward the health benefits of regularly playing Wii Fit Plus, and therefore the game’s successor Wii Fit U.

The West German Centre for Diabetes and Health conducted a study with 220 diabetic patients in which participants played Nintendo’s health title for just half an hour a day for three months, it was noted that those with type-2 diabetes were able to gain better control their blood sugar. Whilst also losing weight, such regular exercise also resulted in lower glucose levels.

Health games such as the Wii Fit series encourage those to exercise in the comforts of their own home, which is important for those with diabetes as it helps the body to use insulin more efficiently.

“Physical activity and a healthy balanced diet, along with taking doctor-prescribed medications if necessary, can help people with type-2 diabetes to control their condition and minimise their risk of diabetes related complications over time,” explains Diabetes UK’s Dr Richard Elliott.

“To make physical activity part of your daily routine it’s important to find an approach that works for you and is enjoyable, as this will make it easier to keep active in the long run. Computer games that promote a healthy lifestyle might be one way to achieve this, but different forms of physical activity might work better for different people. Further research will be needed to identify the long-term effects of such games compared to other approaches.”

[Thanks BBC]

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