Child turns to Santa for advice upon discovering Pokémon aren’t real


When dismayed by the discovery that Pokémon weren’t real, an 8-year old has adorably turned to Santa for advice.

His father, Kevin Fanning, yesterday shared the letter that his son Kinnell had written, explaining that he was “so sad and stressed about the fact that he might never get to have a real Pokémon in his life.”

The letter reads, “Dear Santa. I need some advice for how to make Pokémon real. Why do I need some advice because I can not get Pokémon out of my mind. I need a very good answer. If you have a answer please send a messag back. From Kinnell.”

Fanning immediately turned to the Internet for ideas, having not ever expected the need for such a conversation to have arisen.

“In his mind he’d been sort of looking to a future where he envisioned himself being responsible enough to have a real Pokemon when he was 10,” Fanning explained to Kotaku.

He continued, “I think he eventually had looked at it from enough angles that he realised, wait, I don’t know any 10-year olds with Pokemon, and I never actually see Pokemon anywhere in the real world, oh my god they’re not real, and he just started sobbing.

“As a parent your prepare yourself for certain conversations you know you’ll inevitably have with your kids some day: Santa, Easter Bunny, God, death, justice, whatever. But this one really struck my wife and I, this was a conversation we had not prepared for, and still honestly don’t really know how to have with him. It was his idea to write to Santa for advice and we just kind of went with it. We haven’t really figured out what if anything Santa might respond?”

So, if you have any ideas feel free to ping them across. Although, if anything, I’m more worried about how Kinnell will react when he finds out that Santa isn’t real either…

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