Shin’en defend Wii U hardware capability


Shin’en Multimedia have defended the hardware capability of the Wii U, sharing their belief that the industry needs “better games” rather than “much more hardware power.”

With the hardware advances made by PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, many have refused to classify Nintendo’s latest within the same next-generation bracket.

Yet the German studio are adamant that the Wii U has far greater potential than many in the gaming community realise, and that it is through game design that the industry must now focus upon.

“Of course the Wii U is not the big leap hardware power-wise but it is a big leap to the Wii, and to be honest I think we’ve reached a point where we don’t need so much more hardware power – we need better games,” Shin’en Multimedia’s art director Martin Sauter explained during an interview with Game Reactor.

“For every game you can make it look so good that it’s good enough for everybody, and I think the Wii U is a good compromise between price point… because don’t forget you have a tablet controller, you have a great hardware base and it’s much better than everybody reads.”

He continues, “It’s better than Xbox – sorry, it is better – and you can squeeze lots out of it, but you have to really work hard on it and I think you can make great games with it.

“I’m not sure if a much more powerful PS4 will produce much better looking games. We’ve reached a point where good games will sell and I think the steps will be much much smaller in the next generation.”

[Thanks GoNintendo]

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