Where To Find The Travel Medallion In The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild


Nintendo has released The Master Trials, the first downloadable content to become available with The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Expansion Pass.

That introduces the Trial of the Sword, Hero’s Path Mode and Master Mode, but also throws in multiple items that will help you search around Hyrule in Link’s open-air adventure. The next that we will help you discover, is the Travel Medallion.

What Is The Travel Medallion?

The Travel Medallion is a new item that has been introduced in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The ancient device will let you register your current location as a fast travel point on the map, although only once location can be registered at any time.

Clue To Find The Travel Medallion

Traysi has left different volumes of Super Rumor Mill EX scattered around Hyrule, and you can read Volume 2 at the South Akkala Stable. The clue reads:

“Apparently, there was once an ancient medallion that could instantly teleport you to wherever you placed it… What’s more, this wondrous item may still be somewhere out there, just waiting to be scooped up!

“I must say, it sounds like the perfect item for travelers, adventurers, and rumor-lovers alike!

“I hear the treasure chest containing this tool is located beneath a labyrinth in northeast Akkala. Is it true, or just a beautiful dream? I’ll let you decided that for yourself, dear reader.”

Where To Find The Travel Medallion Treasure Chest

Those that have traversed Hyrule in Link’s open-air adventure will recognise that the clue refers to Lomei Labyrinth Island. This is in the far northeastern corner of the map, and the treasure chest will be far easier to find for those that have already conquered the labyrinth and discovered Tu Ka’loh Shrine.

Once that’s been tackled, an air current will appear outside the Shrine. If you fall down this hole you will land in a Guardian-infested area beneath the maze, and the treasure chest can be found on the south wall.

More The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild DLC Pack 1 – The Master Trials Guides:

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